The Enhanced FLC Effect

The Enhanced Formability Project was initiated on the basis of press shop observations that parts with strains substantially in excess of conventional as-received forming limit curves (FLCs) could be successfully produced in large volume without breakage. In these...

A/SP AHSS Applications Guidelines (2010)

Detailed case studies on the development and implementation of sheet metal stamping processes that employ AHSS steel grades. For a more comprehensive database on AHSS Guidelines, refer to the WorldAutoSteel AHSS Guidelines database at

A Comprehensive Study of AHSS Hole Punching

Presented by Chao Pu, AK Steel, at the 2018 Great Designs in Steel. The elevated strength of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) leads to great challenges for the sheet metal processing, one of which is hole punching operation. A comprehensive study was conducted to...

AHSS Stretch-Bend Fracture Limit Strains on Part Radii

A presentation given by M. Huang, ArcelorMittal Global R&D, and J.R. Li, Oakland University at the 2019 Great Designs in Steel. Three failures can be found on drawn parts in the stamping productions. One is the necking and split on the walls of the drawn part that...