Cross Cowl Member Stamping Trials Exec Summary

This document summarizes the work with the Cross Cowl Member conducted under the umbrella project featuring the A/SP Master Shoe. The project is examining die (forming) processes and material grades for their effect on: Part quality/dimensional accuracy. Press...

Costing Impact Fatigue Test – Phase II

This report documents the tasks accomplished in Phase II of the Coating Impact Fatigue Test project. Different from the test method used in Phase I, where the coating failures were studied using an impact tester without a sliding motion, an Extended Impact Fatigue...

Measurement of Strain Distribution Using Digital Image Correlation

This report will investigate the whole field lagrangian strain measurement with DIC in tensile test and compare the measurement result of DIC with the traditional method. AHSS materials including HLSA 350, DP600, DP780, DP780HY, TRIP780, and DP980 were...