Hemming of Thin Gauge AHSS Final Report
The goal of Auto/Steel Partnership Hemming of Thin Gauge AHSS project was to demonstrate that thin gauge AHSS is a viable material for automotive closure outer panels.
High-Strength Steel Stamping Design Manual
This manual is intended as a practical guide for automotive material engineers, product designers and die process planners when using high strength steels [range of 205 to 420 MPa yield […]
AHSS Weld Performance Study – Autobody Structural Components
This project establishes suitable welding parameters for AHSS material iterations (DP600, DP780, DP800, DP980 and HSLA350). Material section thicknesses ranged from 1.0mm to 3.4mm. Five fusion welding processes (GMAW-Pulse/AC, GMAWPulse/DC, […]
Investigation of AHSS Resistance Welding Performance
The objective of this work was to characterize AHSS weld properties produced using conventional processes. By collecting this data, designers can determine if the characteristics are suitable for use in […]
Assessing Weldability of Projection Welding Fasteners to AHSS using FEA
In this study, the best practice for simulating the complex geometry using SORPAS is determined. The effects of process parameters on weld quality are evaluated using the model and compared […]
Finite Element Modelling Of Electrode Wear Mechanisms
The objectives of this finite-element modeling are as follows: Develop appropriate finite-element modeling techniques for simulating the electric, thermal, and mechanical aspects of the resistance welding spot processes; in particular, […]
High-Strength Steel Weldability DOE Test Method Correlation
The objective of developing standard test methods was to eliminate the need for repeat testing of a material with three different test methods (Chrysler’s, Ford’s, and GM’s) to qualify a […]
Joint Efficiency and Weld Repair Project – Phase II
A comparative study of joint efficiency, energy, and stiffness for advanced high-strength steel joining processes.
Operating Procedures for Conducting the A/SP DOE of Coated Steels
This program is targeted at generating information which will allow subsequent evaluations of tip dressing schedules, stepper schedules, weldgun arm rigidity, machine age, etc. As such, a secondary objective is […]