Investigation of AHSS Resistance Welding Performance

The objective of this work was to characterize AHSS weld properties produced using conventional processes. By collecting this data, designers can determine if the characteristics are suitable for use in specific automotive applications and be assured the welds can be...

Finite Element Modelling Of Electrode Wear Mechanisms

The objectives of this finite-element modeling are as follows: Develop appropriate finite-element modeling techniques for simulating the electric, thermal, and mechanical aspects of the resistance welding spot processes; in particular, those closely associated with...

High-Strength Steel Weldability DOE Test Method Correlation

The objective of developing standard test methods was to eliminate the need for repeat testing of a material with three different test methods (Chrysler’s, Ford’s, and GM’s) to qualify a sheet steel grade. However, to obtain acceptance of the A/SP test methods as...

Operating Procedures for Conducting the A/SP DOE of Coated Steels

This program is targeted at generating information which will allow subsequent evaluations of tip dressing schedules, stepper schedules, weldgun arm rigidity, machine age, etc. As such, a secondary objective is to establish the procedures that will allow for proper...